Access to Quality Healthcare and Employee Benefits are Significant Attractors to Quality Employees
The world of employee benefits is evolving at a rapid pace thanks to online technology that’s capable of providing businesses as well as employees with 24/7 access from desktop computers, tablets, or smart phones.
Onboarding that took hours now takes only a few minutes. Changing benefits formerly took a trail of paperwork. Employees standing in line with questions about their benefits and coverage have disappeared, replaced with paperless technology, specifically our proprietary HR Navigator 360, an incredibly powerful technology platform from Accurate Employer Solutions designed to save you time and money.
HR Navigator 360 keeps you in compliance, avoiding penalties, and it makes your life a whole lot simpler. It keeps your employees happy and makes their lives a whole lot simpler.
Large Group Employee Benefits
For large groups –– groups with 50 or more full-time equivalents –– Accurate Insurance Solutions provides HR Navigator 360, an innovative technology solution that gives your employees a range of benefits while effectively managing your cost.
Our large group solution includes:
The HR Navigator 360 technology platform that provides online enrollment and payroll integration
- Analysis of your employee census information to compute full-time equivalent employees in order to determine large employer status
- Weekly/Monthly analysis of employee hours to determine which employees are considered full-time and, therefore, which must be offered coverage to comply with the ACA
- Performing Cost-to-Benefit analysis of offering employee benefits program vs. the financial penalty for not offering coverage
- Implementing the HR Navigator 360 system that incorporates payroll, employee benefits and reporting capabilities to ensure ongoing compliance with the ACA
- Provide analysis of the benefits of a Private Exchange solution using a defined contribution strategy and implementation of program, if applicable
- Access to a team of benefits specialists
- Wellness program design to help keep your employees healthy which could translate into lower premiums
- Access to a comprehensive suite of value added services
- And much more.
Employer Mandate
Helping employers navigate the new world of healthcare (ObamaCare) and benefits and comply with the complex regulations of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has become one of our hallmarks.
In today’s rapidly changing environment, our tools can be quickly and easily configured to meet your business’ specific needs. For ongoing program support and ACA risk management, take advantage of our fully automated tools backed by our team of experts. Features include:
Risk Management
- Affordability reports
- Administrator alerts
- Automated 30-hour rule calculations
- Service hours modeling for variable-hour and seasonal employees
- Administrator alerts for eligibility status changes
- Integrated status change and enrollment experience
- Online access to all documents for employees and administrators
- Configurable plan rules and auditing tools to ensure compliance with: waiting period restrictions, auto-enrollment, waive coverage reporting
Employee Notifications
- Health Insurance Marketplace Notice
- Summary of Benefits & Coverage (SBC)
- Section 6055 statement of minimum essential coverage
- Section 6056 statement of affordable coverage
- Online portal for variable-hour and seasonal employees
Employer Reporting Support
- Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage (W-2 Box 12)
- ACA Reporting / employee mandated reporting (Form 1095-C)
- ACA Reporting / IRS employer mandated reporting (Form 1094-C)
Small Group Employee Benefits
For small groups –– groups less than 50 full-time equivalents –– Accurate Insurance Solutions provides our proprietary HR Navigator 360 technology platform that supports online enrollment and payroll integration.
HR Navigator 360 and our various programs for smaller businesses:
- Greatly reduce the time you and your staff spend on administering your benefits
- Designs a system that ensures ongoing compliance with ACA
- Provides analysis of the benefits of a Private Exchange solution using a defined contribution strategy and implementation of program, if applicable
- Disseminates up to the minute communication of changes to ACA and HR issues through easy to understand legislative briefs, FAQ’s, monthly newsletters, fliers, and payroll stuffers
- Provides electronic plan selection for employees at open enrollment and throughout the plan year
- Wellness program design to help keep your employees healthy which could translate into lower premiums
- Assist employees who are not eligible for company benefits find individual coverage on the Health Insurance Marketplace
- Access to a suite of value added services